
Hello My Name Is: Gunner


  • ID # 16079
  • Breed Beagle
  • Gender male
  • Location In Foster
  • Color Black/Brown
  • Fixed Yes
  • Age 7 yrs
  • Weight 32 lbs
  • Adoption Fee $150

Animal Info

When Gunner came into our care he was so terrified of people that we could not touch him. It is clear to us that he had never previously lived in a home before, or ever been shown love. Since being in his foster home, he has slowly begun to come out of his shell. He is very good friends with the resident dogs in his foster home, and loves to play outside in the fenced yard. He is still somewhat fearful indoors and enjoys the security of his safe space. He enjoys being in the same room and within eyesight of his people and hang out at a distance, approaching for attention when he feels comfortable. Gunner needs a calm, quiet, forever home with humans who are willing to give him the time that he needs to acclimate to indoor dog life. If you ask us, he is TOTALLY worth it!

Due to his fearfulness, Gunner really needs a fenced yard for safety reasons. He does have some special behavioral considerations as well due to his fear that we’ll be happy to counsel on, including daily anxiety medications.