
Hello My Name Is: Wanda


  • ID # 20602
  • Breed Domestic Shorthair
  • Gender female
  • Location In Foster
  • Color Tortoise
  • Fixed Yes
  • Age 1 yrs
  • Weight 6.60 lbs
  • Adoption Fee $

Animal Info

Wanda is a little shy at first but has always loved affection. Once she really comes out of her shell she is a very sweet girl and loves to follow around the house and be where you are. She will head bump your hand for pets and give you soft purrs. Wanda still enjoys having naps in a private space but loves to come out to snuggle right beside you. She currently lives with two 6 month old kittens that are more rambunctious than she is but they coexist well and have even started playing together. She is litter box trained. Just a sweet girl all around!