
Hello My Name Is: Frankie


  • ID # 20713
  • Breed Domestic Shorthair
  • Gender female
  • Location In Foster
  • Color White/Grey
  • Fixed Yes
  • Age 3 mos
  • Weight 2.62 lbs
  • Adoption Fee $100

Animal Info

Meet Frankie! Frankie is full of kitten energy, but more often than not, you can find her fast asleep in the sun by a window or on a comfy bed. She loves a good nap! She enjoys playing with her sister, Millie, and any cord she can get her paws on. Her purring never ends and the second she sees her human, she’s happy and will give you a short meow to say “hello! Frankie and Millie make the best pair and are the perfect balance of playfulness and cuddles!