
Hello My Name Is: Lowes


  • ID # 20475
  • Breed Domestic Shorthair
  • Gender female
  • Location In Shelter
  • Color Black/Black
  • Fixed Yes
  • Age 3 mos
  • Weight 2.9 lbs
  • Adoption Fee $100

Animal Info

Meet Lowes! From a very young age, she has been a very social kitten! She jumped right into her fosters’ arms for cuddles and kisses. Lowes is a black tabby, but you can only see the tabby markings when you look closely in the right light. Lowes is a non-stop ball of energy. First out of the kitty condo in the morning, first to climb the cat scratcher, first to chase the jingle bell ball. If it looks like you want to pick her up, she is off and running to find a new toy to play with. She also loves playing with her brother, Home Depot. It is great fun to see them chase each other around the room, wrestle, swat balls across the floor and race up the cat tree. They are both well behaved and would love to be adopted as a pair so they have a friend.

Lowes is a litter box pro too. She has played with toddlers (they love feather toys), with middle schoolers (jingle ball soccer) and with high schoolers (watching video games). She is a great snuggler too. If Lowes (and maybe even Home Depot) sounds like the kitten for you, apply for her today!