Behavior Resources

Behavior Resources

If you are a member of the community, foster, or recent adopter that is having behavior issues with your pet, please check out the list of resources below to get started. If you would like to set up an over-the-phone or in-person consult to further discuss the issues that you are dealing with, email and a member of the team will reach out with next steps. RHSPCA’s goal is to keep pets in homes and with their families whenever possible, and sometimes a simple consult or the right resources can make all the difference!

Dog Behavior Resources

Aggression Towards People

Alone Time Training Game (Separation Anxiety Training)

Attention Seeking Behaviors


Building Confidence In Fearful Dogs

Chewing In Dogs

Counter Surfing

Dog-Dog Aggression Off Leash

Dog-Dog Aggression & Reactivity On Leash

Excited & Fearful Urination When Greeting People & Pets

Fearfulness Around Strangers

Fearful Dog Behavior

House Training Adult Dogs


KONG Stuffing (Enrichment Resource)

Leash Reactivity


Nuisance Behaviors (raiding trash, stealing items, etc)

Poop Eating

Resource Guarding

Separation Problems

YouTube Channel Recommendations: Instinct Dog Behavior & Training

Dog Training Resources

Crate Training An Adult Dog

Teaching “Drop It”

Teaching a Recall (Coming When Called)

Teaching Down (Lay Down)

Teaching Stay

Teaching “Find It”

Teaching “Go To Your Bed” 

Teaching Sit

Teaching Loose Leash Walking

Teaching “Look” 

Teaching “Leave It”

Front Door Greeting (For Dogs That Are Friendly With Strangers)

Head Halters & Harnesses

Use Of Different Collars & Leashes 

Muzzle Training Plan

YouTube Channel Recommendations For Dog Training: Dog Training By Kikopup, Instinct Dog Behavior & Training, Training Positive, and Dogs Explained

Local Trainer Recommendations: Molly The Dog Trainer, Love on A Leash, The Successful Mix LLC, and Virginia Company Dog Training

Puppy Resources

Puppy Socialization – MUST READ FOR PUPPY OWNERS

Puppy Socialization Checklist – MUST READ FOR PUPPY OWNERS

Puppy Socialization In Unusual Times

Puppy Play Biting & Mouthing

Puppy Chew Training

House Training Puppies

Handling Your Puppy (Part of Socializing Process)

Crate Training A Puppy

Preventing Problem Behaviors

Name Recognition & Attention

YouTube Channel Recommendations For Dog Training: Dog Training By Kikopup, Instinct Dog Behavior & Training, Training Positive, and Dogs Explained

Local Trainer Recommendations: Molly The Dog Trainer, Love on A Leash, The Successful Mix LLC, and Virginia Company Dog Training

Cat & Kitten Resources

Adopting An Undersocialized Kitten

Adopting A Fearful Cat

Affection Eaters

Aggression Towards People

Bringing Home Your New Cat or Kitten

Cat Claw Clipping

Correcting Unwanted Behavior

Excessive Meowing

Hiding Behavior 

Litter Box Problems

Moving With Your Cat

Mental Enrichment For Cats

Nocturnal Behavior In Cats

Overstimulation In Cats

Play Aggression In Cats

Playing With Your Cat

Selecting A Cat For Adoption

Use Of Scratching Posts

Introducing A New Pet To Existing Pets

Introducing Cats

Introducing Dogs and Cats

Dog-Dog Introductions

Separating Dog Fights

Dogs & Kids

Preparing Your Dog For A New Baby

Kids & Dogs

Family Paws Parent Education Resources 

What To Do In The Event Of A Bite or Close Call

The Family Dog Website 

Cats & Kids

Introducing Your Cat To Your New Baby

Cats Interactions With Babies & Toddlers

Recommended Reading

Recommended Dog Reading

Recommended Cat Reading

Dog Body Language 101

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